Thursday, October 14, 2010

Welcome to kyle's gto blog

Hi my name is kyle i am happy that you guys are reading my blog.Some of the  things i like are hockey,and soccer also some music i like to Liston to Eminem, Lil Wayne,and shine down. Pleas leav eney things that you would like to say about my blog. Pleas come back and read my new blogs tha i have done.


  1. Dude GTO is soposed to be in caps smart one

  2. Hey Kyle like Lil wayne to whats your fav song ? Come check out my blog and comment. Thanks

  3. Hey Kyle you have a cool blog just watch out for those spelling errors.Other than that its good!!

  4. Dood you have the worst gramar EVER hahaha! I am going to follow you, when you learn to spell.

  5. That was not the computer you just cant spell n00b!
